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Supplier Catalogues
How do I access a Supplier's Catalogue?
How do I access a Supplier's Catalogue?

Find out how to export products from Supplier Catalogues.

The Customer Success Team avatar
Written by The Customer Success Team
Updated over a week ago

To view a Supplier's catalogue, please follow the below steps.

1. First, go to [Dashboard] [Snapshots].

2. Navigate to and click on [Product Prices] in the 'Product Snapshots' or 'Pricing Snapshots' area.

3. Use the green [ + Product Prices ] button in the top-left to generate a new Snapshot. Select the Catalogue you want to export or leave blank to export all catalogues.

Note - When there are other Suppliers that have the same product in their catalogue, this will also be included for comparison.

4. The Snapshot will go into a queue ready to be downloaded. Within a few moments you can refresh the page and the Snapshot should be ready to download.

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