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Create an Internal Requisition Buy List
Create an Internal Requisition Buy List

How to create and use an Internal Requisition Buy List

The Customer Success Team avatar
Written by The Customer Success Team
Updated over a week ago

Internal Requisitions are used to request stock to your Inventory Locations. Internal Requisition Buy Lists help users by saving a list of stock items for the Requisitions. These can be created at the hotel/organisation level and will be visible and useable in the lower level departments or organisations.

In order to create an Internal Requisition Buy List, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to [Catalogues], [Internal Requisition Buy Lists]

  2. Use the green [ + ] button to create a new Internal Requisition Buy List:

    Note - You will need to choose a Destination in order to populate the Buy List with items.

  3. Use the [Eye] icon to open your Buy List and then use the green [ + ] button to bring up the 'Pick a Product' window.

  4. Choose a [Location] and click the [Search] button to view items from that Stock Location to add to your Buy List.

To find out more about creating Buy Lists, see: Create a Buy List

Note - You need to remove all the items from an Internal Requisition Buy List before the Buy List can be deleted.

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