Create and update Budgets manually

In this section we will show you how to manually create and update Budgets.

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Written by The Customer Success Team
Updated over a week ago

Create new Budgets

This guide goes through manually creating new Budgets. See also: Creating and updating Budgets via import.

1. Go to [Budgets] [Balances] then click the green [+] button.

2. In the pop-up, complete the details of the Budget you want to set. Then click [Save].

The Budget for this Department and Account Code combination has now been set.

Note - Creating a new Budget will trigger the system to look at any approved requisitions for the specified month and year and update the 'Spent' and 'Remaining' values.

Update an existing Budget

1. In [Budgets] [Balances] click on the Amount, update the value and press 'Enter' on your keyboard.

Your Budget has now been updated.

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